Newest update for you! KESS V2 software Ksuite V2.25 V2.28 is Available at, both versions have bees tested and verified working without issues, you can use it at a ease.
This blog will guide you how to install KESS V2Ksuite V2.25 V2.28 on windows XP, and use this software to read BMW E90 ECU.Enjoy it!
Pros: No need J-LINK, No need tokens.Perfect version.
Files currently on the packed CD
How to install KESS V2 software Ksuite V2.25? (Step by step guidance)
Step1: Install Ksuite V2.25
Open K-suite [Setup2.25] wizard
Accept all of the terms of license agreement, click YES
Then select language and click OK to continue
Click Next to begin installing USB driver
Support language: Italian, German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Step2: Disable the network
You should disable all network connections
Go to C:\KSuite and remove the folder [help]
Copy another [help] folder in desk E:\ to C:\KSuite
Step4: install software for USB device
Choose install the software automatically and click Next
Click finish to close the wizard
And go to computer management-> Device Manager
Step5: Read BME E90 ECU
Open Ksuite on the desktop
Click the icon
Select BMW, E90
Click OK
Select CAN
Click OK to proceed to read
Save the file
Reading ECU completed!
How to install KESS V2 software Ksuit V2.28?
Delete [Setup 2.25] on the desktop
Right click [K-Suite] application, choose [Properties]->[Find Target]
Then Delete all files in C:\KSuite except [help] folder
Then open [] and copy all files to C:\KSuite
Then you can delete [] on the desktop and open K-Suite to use
Click [Option] to choose the software language you want
Now you can use KESS V2 Ksuite V2.28 to read E90 ECU follow Step5
Where to get KESS V2 Ksuite V2.25 V2.28?