VXDIAG VCX NANO is designed to be compatible for GM Tech2Win and GDS2. Here we Cardiagtool provides free download link of VXDIAG NANO software.
VCX NANO Software Free Download Link:
Note: For SPS Programming, you need buy online subscription from ACDelco. To set up VCX NANO with SPS2 Techline Connect, install Passthru driver only
GM GDS2: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Netherlands, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese
GM Tech2win: English
Operating System Requirements:
C://RAM : 4GB+
O/S: Win7 (32bit/64bit) Pro, Win10 (64bit) Pro
1)Do Not install software in Windows Home Version
2)GDS2 and Tech2win can be both installed on WIN10 64Bit OS, If tech2win is unable to install on WIN10 64bit, please try WIN7 32bit.
GDS2 Installation Video:
Hope this could help!
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