ElS27 Forscan Mac OS X Review

Finally, i managed to setup Forscan ElS27 on Mac OS X. Before this, i have read lots of posts and many have troubles with Forscan and Mac. Here is what i did – program stayed in memory. Hope it helps.
1) Installed xquartz http://xquartz.macosforge.org/ and xcode from Appstore (altough you can install just xcode tools)
2) Installed homebrew from http://brew.sh/
3) Typed


brew install wine
And took long bath
4) Did symbolic link for usb serial:


ln -s /dev/tty.usbserial ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1
5) Added this to ~/.wine/system.reg:


[Hardware\\Devicemap\\Serialcomm] 1015709345

And voila! it detects ELM327 properly and I am pretty sure it will work with my vehicle (but
will check it in the morning).


PS. Attaching screenshot after today’s test – Forscan works very well!