• Autel

mileage programmer

OBDSTAR ODO Master Adjust Mileage for 2015 Audi Q5

Q: Which tool can change mileage on an Audi Q5 2015? How to use? A: OBDSTAR ODOMASTER is a good choice. ODO MASTER is an Android-based 5'' [...]

Yanhua Digimaster 3 FAQ

Here is the new questions and related answers about Yanhua Digimaster 3. Q: Can digimaster 3 support mileage correction on a Hyundai Ix35 [...]

OBDSTAR ODO Master Adjust Mileage for Hyundai I25 2014

OBDSTAR ODO Master supports odometer adjustment function for European, Japanese, Korean, American and Chinese cars. This article mainly share how to use it to [...]

VW Tiguan 2012 Mileage Correction by OBDSTAR ODO Master

Topic: OBDSTAR ODO Master correct odometer for 2012 VW Tiguan Car info: VW Tiguan 2012 Dash board type: NEC24C64 VDO Device: OBDSTAR ODO Master [...]

Can ODO Master Correct Odometer for 2008 VW Passat?

Is it possible to adjust mileage for 2008 VW Passat by OBDSTAR ODO Master? The answer is YES. VW Passat is covered. How to use ODO Master to reset [...]

OBDSTAR Odo Master Fiat Odometer Correction vehicle list till 2018

OBDSTAR ODO master, a good odometer adjustment tool for FIAT. It’s confirmed can support FIAT car. Look here: OBDSTAR Odo Master Fiat car [...]

CG-100 Update:Added Steeting function

CG100 PRO III Latest Update: 1. Added Steeting(8 pin) function to support the following 24 models AUDI 4H0 953 568 E AUDI 4H0 953 568 F AUDI 4H0 [...]

iProg PLUS Software Download: V77 V76 V55 V43

Here, free download 2019 iProg Pro programmer software: iProg Pro [...]

How to program IC/CPU and decode audio on Digimaster 3?

Yanhua Digimaster 3 works with various types of adapter you can easily achieve odometer correction, Audio decoding, airbag resetting, engine ECU resetting, [...]

Digimaster III latest update V1.8.1908.05

Digimaster III latest update on 28,August. 2019: Version: 1.8.1908.05 Language: Chinese, English Update method: update online lifetime for [...]

OBDSTAR X300M: Best price+ Mileage Collection Feedback

Here share the latest info of OBDSTAR X300M, incl. the best price at cardiagtool.co.uk and the newest odometer collection feedback from [...]

OBDSTAR X300M & X-100 Pro User manual: Registration, Update, Data save

OBDSTAR X300M and OBDSTAR X-100 Pro both are hot-sale odometer adjustment tools. Here share the relevant operating instructions with OBDSTAR customers, [...]

Super DSPIII Plus Red vs Gray Look

Look here: Super DSP 111 Plus new and old China clone in red and gray Super DSPIII Pus in red: (released in the year 2019) source: [...]

TOYOTA RAV4 2010 Odometer Correction: iProg Pro done!

Purpose: TOYOTA RAV4 2010 dashboard mileage change Odometer correction tool: iProg pro Original mileage: 555km Changing mileage: [...]

How to install iProg Pro crack software version 69 on Windows XP

Look here: iprog pro clone is released. confirmed to work perfectly on Windows XP. good at airbag reset, dashboard  odometer correction, and a lot of [...]

Which tool is best for VAG MQB mileage correction?

This is a discussion for guys looking for the best tool for VAG including MQB for odometer correction. Thread: MQB odometer [...]

Digimaster III Update to Newest Version 1.7.1811.18

Digimaster III Newly Update to Newest Version: 1.7.1811.18 . New add car models for airbag resetting and odometer adjustment. Detail List as the [...]

Digimaster 3 changed km from BMW E60 35080

Look here: Digimaster 3 change mileage for BMW E60 35080 Connect Digimaster 3 to the E60 dashboard In digimaster 3: Meter system - Europe - BMW - [...]

The vehicle list Digiprog 3 Not Support

  People usually post Digiprog 3 success on the web. Yep, that’s good. But for those who are looking for a DP 3 for personal use, they should confirm [...]

Golf 7 & Amarok 2014 MQB Mileage Correction: Obdstar H110 Done!

Which tool can do mileage for Golf 7 and Amarok 2014 jonson control dash I have smok uhds but seems not support that kind of dashboard I think support only [...]
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