• Autel

Auto Diagnostic Tool

Launch X431 Pro Elite vs. Launch X431 Pro3S+ Elite

Here we are going to show you the difference between two Launch tools, Launch X431 Pro Elite and Launch X431 Pro3S+ Elite. Differences Visually, you [...]

How to Use YANHUA ACDP Module 36 for Gearbox Cloning?

Yanhua ACDP Module 36 is designed for cloning ZF-TC1782/TC275/TC277 gearbox. Here we are going to show you how to use it.   How to [...]

Scan Tool with Topology: Topdon Phoenix or Autel Ultra?

Time to purchase new scan tool for shop. Which Autel is best bang for the buck. Definitely want topology. May want to look at the Phoenix max from TopDon. It [...]

OBDSTAR APP and Member Benefits Introduction

Here is everything you need to know about OBDSTAR APP and its membership benefits. Part 1.APP membership benefits are described as follows. This [...]

LAUNCH X431 Smartlink J2534 Passthru Work with XENTRY OK

LAUNCH X431 SmartLink can work as a J2534 passthru device. It is compatible with various OEM software like ODIS, XETNRY... Here we show you how to use it [...]

How to Use Haynespro on LAUNCH X431 PRO5 SmartLink?

This article is the guidance of how to use Haynespro (or named X431FIX) on LAUNCH X431 PRO5 Smartlink.   Procedure: Turn on LAUNCH X431 [...]

Top 2 Test Platforms with Pogo Pin for VAG CAN-BUS UDS Dashboard

Test platforms with pogo pin are very useful when we need to read eeprom from VAG CAN-BUS UDS dashboard. So, here we have picked top 2 test platforms for [...]

How to Online Unlock SFD on Autel MaxiSys Ultra Series?

Dear Autel Customer: We are excited to announce the release of the VAG SFD function on Autel Diagnostic Devices, available from 28th October 2024. This [...]

Launch X431 Pro Elite Replace Register BMW 7 Series (G11 G12) Battery

Here we need to replace and register a BMW 7 Series (G11 G12) battery, and we will use LAUNCH X431 PRO Elite Scan Tool to do this job.   Simply [...]

How to Activate IMMO Function on LAUNCH X431 Tablet?

One customer asked how to add IMMO function for his LAUNCH X431 PRO5 SmartLink. It does not have any options to add IMMO function license. Here [...]

How to Buy X431 FIX and SGW Function on Launch X431 (2024 Update)?

One customer asked why there is only one European SGW function license package available in his LAUNCH X431 Tablet. Where to buy and activate X431 FIX [...]

How to Connect X431 PRO Elite to GIII X-PROG3?

With GIII X-PROG3 and Launch IMMO License, X431 PRO Elite Tablet is able to program keys for vehicles. It does not have a Bluetooth port, so here we are going [...]

How to Get Access to SGW Vehicles on Launch X431/ Autel?

One customer asked if how to buy SGW gateway for Nissan/ Renault/ Mercedes or other vehicles on Launch X431 PAD VII. And how about SGW gateway on [...]

Launch X431 Tool DoIP Connection Guidance

Launch X431 offers 5 ways for its diagnostic tools to communicate with vehicles via DoIP protocol. Here we will show you how to connect your X431 [...]

What’s New in TOPDON ArtiDiag Pro V2.0?

TOPDON ArtiDiag Pro V2.0 is released! Compared to the old version, what' new in the V2.0 ArtiDiag? Let's check it out, Main Difference: Full [...]

How to Unlock Mercedes 2019 ADBLUE using Autel Ultra Lite?

Purpose: Mercedes sprinter 2019 Unlock ADBLUE. Question: Where to find the menu on Autel Ultra Lite Diagnostic Tool. Menu: 1.SCR (Adblue [...]

Launch X431 HD Function Add Graphical DPF Regen Update JOHNDEERE

Dear Launch X431 Users: Check out the latest HD-Truck update on X431 PAD V LINK HD / X431 PRO3 LINK HD! 1.Graphical DPF Regeneration We’re excited [...]

Lonsdor Universal SGW 12+8 Adapter Released!

Lonsdor Universal SGW 12+8 Adapter is released! It works with Key Programmers/ Diagnostic Tablets from various brands including Lonsdor. Support [...]

What Attach to VCI for Prevent Forgetting It In Cars?

Purpose: Just got our first V200 VCI! What are you attaching to yours to prevent forgetting it in the car? It is easy to forget a wireless VCI in [...]

Autel Ultra vs Topdon Phoenix

Question: Currently using an Autel MS908 without the pass through box. It hasn’t been updated for the last 2 years so I’m now looking at buying a new [...]
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