Scan Tool with Topology: Topdon Phoenix or Autel Ultra?

Time to purchase new scan tool for shop. Which Autel is best bang for the buck. Definitely want topology. May want to look at the Phoenix max from TopDon. It offers better value than high end Autel for like $3000.


TOPDON Phoenix Diagnostic Tool

Topdon is a good heavy DIY tool or complimentary tool in a shop.

Online programming and coding are most important. In my country, nearly 100% of new cars are electric. Topdon is better than many others in that area, too.

TopDon can add HD and the ninja box without needing to add a second tool (where Autel you need additional scan tool)

Not sure of TopDon EV ability, but from my research they don’t have a way to do a battery cell balance/service which would be primary goal of a SOH (maybe that technology is coming).


Autel Maxisys Ultra Diagnostic Tool

Autel/SnapOn both have more capability, better support. Autel probably does the best job at getting updates out when it has holes. If you end up going EV or ADAS compatible with both.

Ultra is a little lighter, forward/rear facing camera, higher screen resolution, better support (imo).

From a cost perspective, adding EV kits, Jbox, Oscilloscope, VCI, it’s about the same price. Autel gets heat for the update costs, but they also constantly are adding features/capability.

The best is the ultra, get the version with the vcmi. The scope can and will slingshot you to a higher level of diagnoses.

The MS909 is the cheapest of the 3 top tier. Unless you’re doing scoping, the MS919 and MaxiSys Ultra have it and cost more. And the ultra has the big screen. Besides that, they’re all the same software.

Paid $3800 with motor true speed.


TopDon offers more value and flexibility if you mess with modules frequently.

Autel is good for generic typical repair work but more expensive.


Done! Hope this helps!

