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Autel MS908P

How to install Autel J2534 driver for ECU programming

Autel J2534 driver installation instruction: - used for Autel ms908p, maxisys Elite, J2534 box - download and install Maxisys j2534 Drivers and [...]

Autel MS908P or Auro OtoSys IM600?

Is it good to buy Auro OtoSys IM600 or Autel MS908P? That is a question. IM600 does have very powerful function esp. auto diagnostic and key programming. Note [...]

MaxiSYS Pro MS908P Key Erase Issue on 2000 Ford Focus (fixed)

I write this blog to share my problem about Autel MaxiSYS Pro MS908P key erasure on 2000 ford focus and its solution with you. Vehicle model and [...]
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