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Galletto 1260

Boot mode read EDC15: Galletto software vs. MPPS cable

This is: How to read ecu edc15 on the bench in boot mode? can be done with Galletto software or a MPPS cable? About Boot mode: Bootmode is a design [...]

Galletto 1260 read/write full flash from MS43/MS42

Hi to All! Just finished free app to read and write MS42/MS43 full flash in bootmode, using Galletto 1260 ecu flash tool and JMGarageFlasher For an [...]

Read BMW E39 with Cheap Galletto 1260 ECU Flashing Cable

Here is tutorial on how to read BMW E39 Siemens MS42 ECU by cheap Galletto 1260 OBDII EOBD ECU flashing cable. Total cost €18 and about 3 minutes. Good [...]
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