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X431 IMMO Plus

Launch X431 IMMO PLUS Bypass NASTF Guidance

X431 IMMO PLUS User's Question: Not in US or Canada, download and reset 5 times and nothing changes. Still stuck on the NASTF notification on [...]

How Launch X431 Key Programmer Add Key for Cadillac SLS 2009?

Launch X431 Key Programmer allows users to generate Launch Universal Remotes, while X431 IMMO Plus enables us to program keys for multiple models. In this [...]

Fixed! X431 IMMO PLUS Program Seat MII 2018 Communication Error

Question: When programming Seat MII 2018 and 2021 using my X431 IMMO PLUS, software failed to communicate cars. Dealer key generated ok but key learning [...]

How to Enable and Upgrade X431 Key Programmer Software?

As the new X431 Key Programmer is released, its software is added to Launch IMMO tablets/ scanners, but where is it and how to update it? Here we will show [...]

How is X431 IMMO Plus/ Elite for VAG AKL Programming?

This article is about X431 IMMO Plus/ IMMO Elite coverage for VAG vehicle key programming. X431 IMMO Plus/ Elite Support [...]

Solved! Can’t Update Launch X431 IMMO Plus Firmware

One customer gave feedback that he could not update firmware for his X431 IMMO Plus Tablet. It said "Device no response, please retry". Here [...]
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