This is for an opel/vauxhall corsa D 1.0 with a damaged body controller, and tips here may help you how to read the dump and put it to a new body controller.
Here are suggestion and solutions from real pros. Hope it’s helpful!
Locate 96c86 8 pin eeprom on back of board.. has to be removed to read, or if you get bcm with pin you can reset & program easy with opcom.. good luck!!
1 more option would be to swap the 93c86:
First you have to get pin code for both ecu, then mount your new ecu go to engine,programming and reset ecu you will be asked to enter pin code for this ecu, one time ecu rested go to immobilizer, programming, security code, here enter your car code and you will find program ecm highlited and then done
.. good luck
If you read the dump, you can post the dump in a reliable forum & some fellow will look over it for you… They do have a habit of corrupting tho after jump starting… that’s why the opcom route is good!
Sometimes, dump looks like ok, but hard to tell for sure.. vin is:…., MKN:…, Immo pin would have to come from display unit, Opcom is best for you.. looks like you will need a donor unit with pin (Or dispay/stereo/airbag unit as well to get pin), good luck!
In short, Op-com the best!
First you will need security pass for your car (little card in service wallet or from main dealer £30ish) and a replacement ECU either reset or wth pin, fit the donor ecu and with your Op-com go into engine menu & reset it using that units pin (if it is not already reset), then go into immobiliser – programming, enter your cars pin – this will allow programming options – click on engine controller fitted, it should return a message ‘ECM programmed successfully’, switch ignition off for a few seconds and all done…
THE MOST IMPORTANT is to have the pin for the ‘new’ ECU, or ECU to be in reset state, if not have it may reset it using carprog, then the procedure is very easy, install ‘new’ ECU, go to instrument and read pin, in imobiliser program ‘new’ ECU, then go to instrument, reset, then reprogram, at the end BCM reset and reprogram and that’s all…
if not have way to read pin or reset ECU, you may read VIN from it using op-com and ask the pin from dealer…
Good luck!
Edit to update: If you virginize the eprom, you cannot teach in the bcm with launch diagun 3.
Definitely no! I have had this also before… Virginising the eeprom is a no go and I’m sure launch won’t program this.. seriously you will need good ol’ Op-com interface, and you will need a pin for your car and donor unit, you can get a cheap Chinese Op-com 2010 for about £20, the original is obviously much better as always but costs over £600.. The cheap clone will work for you..