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Autel IM608 II Key Programmer

Autel IM608 II Ford Mustang 2015- AKL Programming Tips (Active Alarm)

Ford after around 2015 may have systems that require BCM data to add keys. With active alarm on, key programming in 2mins is not possible. Here is a case [...]

Autel IM608II Work with SPG149 NEC Dash Cable Review

Question: Is this adapter compatible with the Autel 608II ? Check VAG UDS cable, and here is a review: VAG UDS bench cable make all key lost with [...]

Autel IM608 2008 Grand Cherokee PCM Swap and IMMO Setup Guide

Here we have a 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It sometimes won't start and has a secure light on dashboard when we turn ignition on. After scanning , the PCM module [...]
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