• Autel


The vehicle list Digiprog 3 Not Support

  People usually post Digiprog 3 success on the web. Yep, that’s good. But for those who are looking for a DP 3 for personal use, they should confirm [...]

When I connect digiprog3 to the car it does not switch on, How to do?

When I connect digiprog3 to the car it does not switch on but in the house with the A/C adapter it works. I think the cable is the problem. [...]

Touareg r5 2.5 year 2004 mileage correction with digiprog 3 v4.94 question and answer

I know it is ok that Touareg r5 2.5 year 2004 mileage correction with digiprog 3 v4.94. While I failed to do it at beginning but finally sorted it out, so I [...]
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