• Spring Festival Sale


Best ECU Tools to Read PSA DCM6.2C

Here comes a review of Xhorse Multi Prog working on PSA DCM6.2C: Read and write a PSA DCM6.2C in boot successfully with online CKS calculation... But it [...]

FoxFlash Read DCM3.3+ Renesas SH72544 OBD or Boot Mode?

One customer wonders if FoxFlash Tool would full backup DCM3.3+ Renesas SH72544. And if the module would be bricked over OBD mode or have to be done via Boot [...]

Top 3 to Clone Opel Bosch PSG16 by Bench/ OBD Mode

One customer asked us what tools would read write Opel PSG16 via OBD. So, here we are going to share with you top 3 tools to clone this [...]

FoxFlash Possible to Read M7.9.8 Bench or Boot Mode?

One customer wondered if Original FoxFlash is possible to M7.9.8. Is it possible for FoxFlash to read this ECU without opening? The only method is BOOT [...]

FoxFlash V1.3.9 Update Add VR File DCM6.2A PCR2.1 Simos18.1

FoxFlash V1.3.9 is available on December 26, 2023! New version updates FoxFlash Manager, VR Files, and Checksum Fix. Update Info:   1)OBD VR [...]

FoxFlash Read Mazda Denso SH1.x with OTB Adapter No Issue

With new OTB Adapter, FoxFlash users could read data on OBD mode but using Bench pinout. Here is a review of FoxFlash OTB Adapter: Foxflash with OTB mode [...]

How FoxFlash Read Valeo V42 using OTB Adapter?

FoxFlash OTB Adapter allows users to read ECU by Bench pinouts on Bench mode. One FoxFlash customer asked where is the OTB connection pins of this Renault [...]


Original FoxFlash adds more TCU GEARBOX TRW EMS. TCU GEARBOX TRW EMS FoxFlash Dev team is working on following operations: Bench Beta Version [...]

FoxFlash New Update OTB 1.0 Adapter for OBD/ Bench Mode

New FoxFlash OTB 1.0 Adapter is coming! It works with engine, TCU, ACM, and DCM module. Supported functions: 1.Dual-channel high-speed [...]

FoxFlash Add Delco Bosch Siemens Phoenix Tuning and New Clone

Original FoxFlash adds Delco Bosch Siemens Phoenix Tuning and New Clone Function! New Clone Function Info: MEDC17 FCA HYUNDAI JAGUAR LAND [...]

FoxFlash Add Unlock Patch GPEC2 GPEC2A via OBD

Original FoxFlash now is able to unlock patch GPEC2 GPEC2A via OBD. Continental GPEC2 & GPEC2A Support List: Jeep 2.4 Tigershark 184 hp Jeep [...]

Read BMW MSD85.1 DME ISN: Autel, FC200, Autohex, or FoxFlash?

Question: Trying to read ISN for this MSD85.1 DME however the only option Autel IM608 with GBOX has is the MSD85 that shares the same connection [...]

How to Quickly Identify ECU Type on FoxFlash Manager?

Question: 2010 Ford Ranger could read obd but straight forward bench using Original FoxFlash. Is there a page or list to help users identify [...]

How is FoxFlash ECU Programmer for Ford 6DTC Powershift?

One customer wondered where to find pinout of 6DCT450 TCU Ford on FoxFlash Software. FoxFlash supports Ford powershift or not? Here is all 6DCT [...]

FoxFlash V1.3.6 Update Special Customized Version FAQs

Before, we have posted the update notice about V1.3.6 FoxFlash Special Customized Version. Here we have collected FAQs about this update, check them [...]

FoxFlash Manager V1.3.6 Update New VR File Database

FoxFlash Manager V1.3.6 Special-customized version is released on Sept. 25, 2023. Update Info: 1.Improve all VR databases 2.Personal equipment [...]

How to Solve FoxFlash Read Siemens SIMTEC71.6 “Error SilentKey”?

On feedback from one customer, Foxflash Software shows "error silentkey" when reading Opel Siemens SIMTEC 71.6. PINOUT he used: RED: + [...]

FoxFlash Read Manual Calculator Renault Sagem S3000 Tips

One customer gave feedback that he had a software problem to read manual calculator s3000. He connect module to FoxFlash Tool exactly the same as [...]

How to Solve FoxFlash/ KT200 Software Crash during Data Reading?

One customer gave feedback that FoxFlash software would crash while it was reading ECU. Tried to read data again, software would still [...]

Clone VAG Gearbox: Launch X431, OBDSTAR, or FoxFlash?

In this article, we are going to compare 3 tools to see how they clone VW gearboxes. We will cover: Launch X431 ECU&TCU Programmer OBDSTAR [...]
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