• Autel

obdstar x300 DP

Obdstar Tool Update detail of June 2019

OBDStar Update information of  June 2019, This update is for Obdstar X300 dp and Obdstar X300 dp Plus. IMMO VW Optimized the key learning [...]

OBDSTAR FORD [V30.69] Cluster Calibration Upgrade for X300 DP (Plus)

Good news!!! Cardiagtool.co.uk has released the latest OBDSTAR FORD upgrade info. Here share the upgrade details with X300 DP / X300 DP [...]

(Solved!) OBDSTAR X300DP Failed to connect RFID adapter

OBDSTAR X300DP RFid adapter tech support for RFid adapter not working.   The X300 DP displays: Failed to connect RFID First, Check if [...]

OBDSTAR X300 DP Latest Supported Car List

OBDSTAR X300 DP Full Package is have various powerful functions, such as oil reset, odometer adjustment, EEPROM/PIC adapter and advanced key programmer [...]

OBDSTAR P001 Programmer Chip PCF79xx Wiring Diagram

Chip PCF79xx Wiring Diagram: to connect with a P001 Programmer and work with OBDSTAR X300 DP or X300 DP Plus key master to renew chips. OBDSTAR P001 [...]

Obdstar X300 DP Golf 6 2010 Vdo-12 immo & remote programming

Confirmed! Obdstar X300 DP is able to work with Golf 6 2010 Vdo-12 immo and remote programming, Success! :) Step: Read immo data-show immodata-make dealer [...]

Toyota Corolla LE all key lost: which  tool?

Topic: Toyota Corolla LE 2005 key program when all keys are lost Vin : INXBR32E35Z373232 It’s an 2005 model year. Where can I locate [...]

Obdstar X300 DP vs Obdstar X300 PRO3: Full or Standard?

Obdstar X300 DP pad & Obdstar X300 PRO3 key master, which is better? And what’s the difference between the Full Configuration and the Standard [...]

obdstar x300 DP Tablet one-key update instruction

obdstar x300 DP Tablet one-key update in 3 steps, it is very easy to do without any difficulty. FYI, following instruction applies for OBDSTAR X300 DP full [...]
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