Reviews of Nexiq USB Link 2 clone version: VXTRUCKS V8 USB Link.
Nexiq USB Link 2 genuine:
Nexiq USB Link 2 clone:
– the clone cannot update firmware
I checked into this further and you are somewhat correct, You can not update the firmware on clones so as new software versions come out, they read the firmware and won’t connect ultil you update the firmware. Since you can’t update the firmware it becomes useless.
I asked if the firmware can be updated or if the Nexiq Firmware will install in the clone and I was told No by the Chinese seller, The firmware in the device can not be updated. The Nexiq Firmware Updater will not work and may render the adapter inoperable.
Also for any warranty you need an RMA # and have to ship the adapter back to China, this is expensive and takes a long time so you get what you pay for. The only thing that looks the same is the case and the name, The guts are not the same.
They are lower quality unless you specify the componants and if the adapter or any drivers or software crashes you are left out in the cold with no support from anyone except a call center in china where they have few if any answeres.
I suggest you watch out for people on eBay selling Nexiq, Cummins or CAT Adapters, they too may be counterfeit… Buyer Beware!
– the clone Nexiq has different Bluetooth symbol and manual
I researched the clone and here is what I found out from Nexiq and other sources…
How to tell if you have a clone
The photo below is a real NEXIQ USB-Link
The clone has the two case screws at the top facing the same direction where the real Nexiq has one in from the front and one in from the back.
The case that the clone comes in has square corners on the NEXIQ sticker where the real one has rounded corners, The nexiq also has and orange line under the word Nexiq where the clone has a darker almost red line.
The real one has a Bluetooth symbol on the front of the adapter label and the clone does not.
The User Manual for the real one is spiral bound and barely fits in the case, the clone has a smaller manual and is not spiral bound.
– be careful to buy a Nexiq clone off
I have had several people having issues with all the lights blink and they can not connect any more, you can not get warranty on Chinese clones so you are out of luck. Also Chinese clones are made with much lower quality than the real Nexiq.
I have had so many support issues that ended up being bad Chinese Nexiq adapters that I warn customers that if they have a Chinese adapter, they are on their own, I don’t support them and Nexiq won’t warranty them. Be Very careful who you buy a Nexiq off of. TRVideo is a supplier of the real Nexiq and has great support so that is the only source I recommend (Truck Parts Today)
Having said that, we supply Dearborn DPA5 Adapters and I fully support them, although to-date I have had no customer issues at all related to the Dearborn DPA5 – I have sold hundreds and I use one myself.
Important tip: Nexiq USB Link 2 Bluetooth vs WiFi
QUESTION: I’m interested in buying a new genuine Nexiq. Does the wifi version have any other benefit other than you don’t need a laptop with Bluetooth?
ANSWER: WiFi connection should be more secure then Bluetooth connection
Bluetooth vs WiFi:
Bluetooth and WiFi are different standards for wireless communication.
Bluetooth technology is useful when transferring information between two or more devices that are near each other when speed is not an issue, such as telephones, printers, modems and headsets. It is best suited to low-bandwidth applications like transferring sound data with telephones (i.e. with a Bluetooth headset) or byte data with hand-held computers (transferring files) or keyboard and mice.
Wi-Fi is better suited for operating full-scale networks because it enables a faster connection, better range from the base station, and better wireless security (if configured properly) than Bluetooth.