CGDI MB key version 51 test report: (31-07-2017)
Step 1: read the key
read key data with infrared
interface: infrared
key basic information:
ssid, position, available times, state, times used, version
note that: state: activate, version: 51
disassemble the key, take out the chip and solder it to the NEC adapter
again, read key data by a nec adapter
interface: nec adapter
key basic information:
ssid, position, available times, state, times used, version
note that: state: activate, version: 40
Step 2: reset the key
reset and erase the new key
Step 3: write the key
note: for smart keys, please choose 41 format; for common and BE keys, please choose 51 format.
when writing the original key, please make sure that it is wiped by the CGMB, otherwise the writing will fail!
choose unused key position data, then open
write the key successfully!
take out the key and weld the NEC adapter back to the key.
test it and the car start…
Job’s done!
CGDI Mercedes source:
CGDI MB NEC adapter source:
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