How to get Launch J-box to work with Tech2Win

Tech2 software Tech2win possible to work with Launch JBox?

Yes! Launch J-Boxis in fact CARDAQ Plus interface, so yes it works with tech2win software without any problems.
Launch J-Box , Snap-ON PASS THRU PRO II EETA113B, EASE Universal Reprogrammer 2, BOSCH Flasher Pro F00E900161, AEZ Flasher 1 are all in fact rebrands of old model CARDAQ PLUS not the new one and all work with Tech2Win with his Tech2Win driver.
If driver is proper installed, when you open tech2win will ask you what interface you will use like in picture.


I have drivers from all and i can tell you that the only difference is in it’s crap firmware and device name, nothing more, nothing less. It’s just rebranding. When it’s rebranded each one put it’s name on it and payed for x functions in drivers. This is why you have older or newer ones.

I have uploaded for you all the packs of drivers and apps for them, even J-Box and you will see what i mean.

Here are Drivers and Apps for them 1.9.38 as they were, just different providers inside.!bxZ2xLQK!dmpjRIHca-T14aI8WaiIhg




All of those can be “converted” if you know how to do it. Attached it’s the little catch







Tech2Win software update:

You need PCMCIA bin files for Tech2win first
Then if the Tech2win said that your tool is not a valid one I don’t think you will can use it
The Tech2win works only with