Xprog-M reads BMW E39 EWS3 Motorola 0D46J

I’d like to show you how to read EWS3 0D46J from BMW E39 using a Xprog-M programmer. The EWS 3 Immobilizer unit , in the BMW E39 car body, is [...]

How to use EWS4 adapter with Xprog-M/R270

It’s aimed to help you all to connect to an EWS4 adapter, read and write BMW EWS4 using a Xprog or R270 programmer. Applicable to: All models fitted [...]

How to install Xprog V5.7 ECU Programmer on Windows 7?

The newest XPROG BOX ECU Programmer XPROG-M V5.7 with USB dongle has been released at cardiagtool.co.uk. Here is installation instruction. Software version: [...]

XPROG-M V5.55 error “Access violation at address 1104DF84…”(Fixed)

Got one XPROG-M V5.55, when I installed, I got error message “Access violation at address 1104DF84 in module ‘argen .dff”. read of address 7a6bee7b”. I [...]
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