There are 3 versions of CAN CLIP Renault diagnostic tools in Chinese markets, this article will offer their PCBs to help to distinguish them.
Item NO. SP19-D
Item Link:
Renault Can Clip V162 With the Cheapest Price
This is PCB of the latest released Renault Can Clip Clone(Dec. 2016), it is the cheapest one among Renault diagnostic tools, has been tested without issues on scanning and diagnosing by our engineer.
Item NO. SP19-C
Item Link:
Renault Can Clip With the Best Quality
These are PCBs of Renault V162 CAN Clip Best Quality with AN2131QC chip. According to our survey, this version has Very good reputation among users, have not found issues within scan and diagnose duty.
Item NO. SP19-B
Item Link:
Renault Can Clip V162 PCB Pic
There is no need for more explanation about this version of CAN CLIP, it is the most Well known among users, of course it can play well with Renault Vehicles within its functions.
The difference among the 3 versions of Renault CAN CLIP mentioned above is Price & PCBs.They all work with Renault models with the same function:
– See all the information relating to the vehicle
– Reprogramming
– Automatic test of all computers
– Airbag test
– Scantool (OBD tests)
– Base Doc (access to Technical Notes)
– Physical measurements
– Antipollution
– Multimeter