This post starts this problem: I have a problem with the china Clone Kess 2.13 4.036, If I push the button for Soft K10033818 to renew the tokens i can not open the button browse to choice the file.
Here 3 optional solutions the senior ECU tunners share:
Solution 1:
Reset can be done only with 2.08 sw version.
Solution 2:
if info buton show you same 4.036 firmware, NO NEED NXP REFLASH OR CHANGED.
if your info buton will show you another superior fw.for example 4.037…not 4.036…means that it was updated fw by internet,and at this moment you are fuxed.
Solution 3:
use a new 2gb sdcard , someone reset tokens with a formatted card, formatting sd card to fat32 doesnt always work so best with new.
This is format card method:
Format sd card and put in back to the unit as is (empty)
2.Copy and replace update folder into installation folder of k-suite k-suite and wait
%100 work
Browse this link to download the “Update Folder”!QQJVWIYb!V66Wn679nY0RRgN1L_SBy32ntf-K3DLEZJ4vVJYGKEk