Ksuite 2.08 download: fix Ktag sw 2.13 fw 6.070 internet connection


Here is a customer solution (@ecuconnet ) of ktag sw: v2.13 hw: v6.070 internet connection. The solution here is aimed to solve all grey buttons in ktag interface.


Issues: all grey in ktag


the solution to solve…

1 install ksuit 2.08
2 download the file
3 the file have 3 parts (sd card, update too ksuit, nxp bin if necessary)
4 put the file update in the past off ksuit 2.08
5 use a new sd card ( in my case the old one doesn’t work )
6 copy the file to sd card
7 open ksuit the ksuit update auto

attach the link of the file to download:


incl. KTag 6.070 update – KSUITE

KTag 6.070 update – NXP BIN

KTag 6.070 update – SD CARD

Ktag programmer i’m using:


Attention please!!!!!!!!

Tip 1: if works after install the ksuit that you want, if doesn’t work you have to re-flash the nxp the file is there for me was not necessary
Tip 2: doesn’t use the internet when the tool is connected

Tip 3: this information is not mine, is work off some search in forum and help off some users

(big thanks to the contributor @ecuconnet in the MH community)