Since OBDSTAR released the auto key programmer X100 pro, it has become more and more popular among OBD customers. However, compared with the old X-100, X-100 pro has its specialties. Though Both of them are original from OBDTAR factory and in high qualities.
1.Different in outlook:
OBDSTAR X-100 inherits the overall look of the old X-100, but changed the new silicone button, which feels more comfortable.
2.Different in PCB board:
3.Different in TF card :
1)F-100 pro adjusts the TF card slot position in mold, which fits more than old one. The card plug will not go inside the machine
2)High-capacity 4G TF card has more stable performance,the white screen will be never appeared.
4.Different download speed:
Software downloading speed of X-100 pro is improved by more than 50%
5.Different in operating system:
Compared with old F-100, F-100 pro has New upgraded software operating system, added operating interactive prompt.
6.Different in certain function:
1).X-100 pro has the function to read EEPROM chip, but need to buy additional EEPROM Adapter. While old X-pro doesn’t have such a function.
2) Obdstar X-100 is engaged in new remote controller programming and strong and full database for the most important vehicles.