Firstly please download this tool “Vpecker Wifi Upgrade V6.2” at
Note: Software function description: if the WiFi name miss or changed to “HF-LPT120 “, this tool can configure it back please follow the README TXT
Tips and procedure:
This Vpecker Wifi Upgrade V6.2 tool can configure the name of your Vpecker wifi.
(If the name changed back the default name “HF-LPT120”)
Please follow the steps below:
Step1: Connect the WIFI “HF-LPT120” manually
Step2: Run the tool “Conf.exe”
Step3: Click “Update” button and wait the data update successful
Step4: Click “Wifi Conf” button
Step5: Power OFF Vpecker and Power ON again
After that, the wifi name will change to the series number of Vpecker.