Renault CAN CLIP software is working OK with Nissan Consult III hardware

Yes it is 100% sure that Renault CAN CLIP software is compatible with Nissan Consult III hardware. This is verified by many experienced users.

Therefore, the CAN Clip and Consult 3 III 2-in-1 interface is developed, which is only €152 and more cost-effective. It looks like this:




Refer to others feedback is more trustful, following are 4 pieces of feedback.

NOTE: you will be at risk to try this.

Feedback 1:

Yes it will work with both, it is alliance B
Do not but the ones flying around with the WHITE < <16 PIN CONNECTOR.
As regards programming, I’m unsure because I never tested, However there are can clip interfaces that are alliance B and they work fine.

Feedback 2:

If that is recognized as VI alliance by drivers this will work with Clip and Consult too
I’d say that there is very high chance of success.

Feedback 3:

Nissan consult 3 is verified working fine with Nissan and Renault cars, while there is only Nissan software come with the interface, you need to buy Renault software extra. FYI, I paid only €10 for Clip v164 at:


Feedback 4:

Worked perfectly with Nissan and Renault Clip.

It is risky to start with this hardware, for example, flashing the control unit of the vehicle. That’s why I at first was looking for the original hardware, or really good clone. I know that there are good clones. I had one good clone can clip with Full Chip AN2135SC AN2136SC in the below picture.

can-clip-for-renault-diagnostic-interface-board-3 can-clip-for-renault-diagnostic-interface-board-1 can-clip-for-renault-diagnostic-interface-board-2