Xhorse Multi Prog vs. VVDI PROG


How is Xhorse Multi Prog compared to its old VVDI PROG?


Here we will answer you.

Multi Prog vs. VVDI PROG:

Multi Prog VVDI PROG
Read/Write/Clone ECU
Read/Write/Clone TCU ×
Read/Write MCU
Read/Write Dashboard
MEDC17/EDC17 Calculation and Processing ×
Read/Write ISN Read√,Write×
Free Update
License(MQB48,Bench Read ISN…) Optional
Work with Other Plug-in Tools ×
Data Comparison ×


1)Xhorse Multi Prog Programmer covers all VVDI PROG functions

2)Multi Prog mainly adds TCU cloning functions

3)All licenses on Multi Prog software are activated, no extra pay


Complete! Those are the differences between Multi Prog and VVDI PROG.


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